end. I haven't been in the mood for training since Monday. Usually I work out three workouts a week with three "mini workouts" in between.
Anyway, I skipped breakfast this Friday, which is usual. Only one cup of coffee after waking up (no nothing added). I hade the coffee in front of the house in an attempt to start the day in as "zen" -like fashion as possible. I get to wrestle a little with myself here as it can be a bit cool at 06.30 and since I am not a morning person I find it difficult to attach the benefit to the lack of pleasure. When I can not cope with more peace of mind, I pull back in front of the computer and check some news, MMA-Junkie then there is some book reading.
At eight o'clock I start a 30 min brisk walk in the surroundings. Then, trolling the net a bit, more reading and maybe a moment's YouTube indulgence.
At 10:00 I managed to convince myself to at least exercise a little at home. Here's how it played out:
5 min jump rope
Shoulders: Dumbbell press
Legs: Goblet Squats with two dumbbells
Chest: Parallette Push Ups
Biceps: Curl
Triceps: "Scull Crusher" standing with rubber band
Back: Pull Ups
This was done as a circle where the first two rounds were warm up (about 10 reps), then three WS (Work Sets - 6 reps). The dumbbells, which were used in three exercises of equal weight, were increased in three steps. 12, 16 and WS-20kg. Push Ups were made 10 / round. Scull Crusher with rubber band as well. On the other hand, the Pull Ups only managed to reach 8 / round.
Most of the stuff I lift I have purchased at Decathlon as they boast far lowest prices. The quality can be a bit questionable but it usually does not matter. At Dramaten, I used to go down to the forge and weld together what I needed or fashion something in the carpentry.
All this was done out on the lawn, except for Pull Ups, and the rest between each exercise was a turn out to the road to regain my breath. Once, I took a longer break to look at some beautiful butterflies. At least I was pretty well done afterwards and jumped straight into the shower to cool my legs, arms and head with icy water. It's so damn nice. Would certainly be optimal to flush down torso as well but the chicken is strong in me.
One last cup of coffee for the day I drank in the deck chair at about 12:00.
At 13:00 I broke the fast and took a lunch consisting of a piece of flank roast that I had grilled the day before and now roasted in some butter and lard (Sokolow Smalec Wyborowy). In addition, two egg yolks. Lightly bubbled water as a meal drink.
Another walk to a park to play with the child and then there will be meatloaf with Feta cheese and bacon for dinner.
Day ONE is a wrap!
May the Fors be with you!
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