That didn't happen. I sat and watched MMA on YouTube and, again, became inspired (starting to see a red thread here.) After a fairly extensive morning walk, it also felt a lot better. So, said and done, I jumped up on the bike and rode down to the old Friskis & Svettis.
The workout, as such:
Military Press: WS-3x3x55kg
Barbell Curl: WS-3x3x50kg (some cheat curls but with slow eccentric phase)
Scull Cruscher: WS-3x3x45kg
Leg Press:?
Well, what about that leg press? I skipped the squats today when I felt some pain in the adductor magnus on my right leg, plus I got some pretty nasty scratch marks from the bar on the shoulders which I thought would heal away a little before creating new ones. It turned out to be a pretty bad idea.
The machine I chose was the one where you sit on a sledge that you push up with your feet on a fixed plate, if you know what I mean. A weight stack with numbers on it is connected to the sled. I'm not quite sure if the numbers are kilograms or correlates with some other system but it's hard to relate anyway. The angles of the knees and hips at start are difficult to transpose to the correct form, etc. I had spasm in the rectus femoris and barely felt the gluteus maximus or hamstrings at all. Quite unhappy but I could have gone over to the Squat Racket and continued there if it wasn't for all these stations being occupied by people doing bench press. Sigh...
Now it will be a some studying and reading and walking and maybe an episode of Ultimate BeastMaster.
"Without Great Solitude
no Serious work i Possible"
- Pablo Picasso
May the Fors be with you!
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