I was inspired to pick up the climbing again when I accidentally sat in front of "Ultimate Beast Master" on Netflix. It is a variant of American Ninja Warrior and other obstacle course programs where contestants are to pass through a course with a number of obstacles of various kinds. It's designed to test you in a variety of arias. A lot of Crossfit athletes, even more Parkour athletes and then a number of other athletes of varying disciplines. But the one who won Season 1 was a professional climber. Many of the obstacles relied on the practitioner's grip strength. Many of the climbers had great success and in fact there were two climbers in the final. The other one was an ice climber but still.
The program as such was, at least in the first season, not much to write home about. We don't even have to go into it because this post is not about that. This post is about the inspiration I got to get on with the climbing again. Summer is not climbing season, as you all probably know, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'm going to start training for the fall season. I got so inspired that I, immediately had to go to Byggmax and buy myself a piece of wood and build myself a "Pinch Block". For you who don't know, that is a wooden block that you attach a weight to and try to hold in your hand in a so-called "Pinch" grip. To increase grip strength, simply. Very nice.
In addition to some grip training at home, of course I have to try to get out into the woods, weather permitting, but also take a few sessions indoors now and then. Now nothing can stop me from getting in excellent climbing form !!

For lunch, I offer a simple omelette on Viennese sausage, bell peppers, kale, eggs and cheese. Simple and good.
"Life is short
But the hours are long"
May the Fors be with you!!
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