Mölndal vecka 33
På måndagen hoppade jag på ett MTR Express ner till Göteborg med mina nya kollegor på Ergoff.
Resan tog ca tre och en halv timma. Vi skulle utbildas till "Ergonomispecialister" och team builda lite. Vi åkte direkt från centralstationen i Göteborg till Ergoffs kontor och showroom där utbildningen skulle hållas. Vi var allt som allt sju personer som skulle utbildas denna vecka från olika delar av landet.
Det dröjde inte länge förrän hjärnan började kännas som pölsa och så förblev det resten av veckan. 😂 Mycket information och långa dagar.
Det var väldigt skönt att komma till hotellet vid sjutiden på måndagkvällen. Ergoff hade fixat rum åt oss på det nybyggda Best Western Plus Åby Hotel precis vid Åbytravet. Väldigt fräscht och trevligt hotel. Vi orkade inte ta oss iväg någonstans för att äta middag utan åt i hotelrestaurangen. Hamburgare och pommes. Väldigt gott men bröd och pommes? Inte optimalt men jag var sååå trött och orkade inte bry mig. Tyvärr skulle det bli lite för mycket skräpmat denna vecka men jag har inga problem att komma tillbaka på rätt väg ganska snabbt igen.
Veckan bestod av mycket pluggande och på kvällarna gjorde vi olika aktiviteter så som: westernridning, gemensamma middagar, boule och gymträning(de hade ett superfräscht Friskis & Svettis i anslutning till hotellet.)
En otroligt händelserik, lärorik, rolig och utmattande vecka. Nu är det bara att begagna sig av allt det vi lärt oss imorgon då jag börjar jobba på riktigt. Mycket spännande.
På återhörande(på svenska fortsättningsvis)
"If you cannot do great things,
do small things in a great way."
- Napoleon Hill
May the Fors be with You!
Kick Off
Good Morning!
I'm back from the kick-off/conference at Lugnalandet, Tranås, with my new colleges at Ergoff Miljö AB. That was intense. Three days of new faces and a lot of information. It was really a mix of exhaustion and bliss. This new job is going to be so much fun but also hard, hard, hard! I'm in for a
rough fall season.
We visited our new storage at Sweop AB.There was some training(HIIT style) and these people do not like to sit down. We started with a half day of inspirational speaker Niklas Delmar and as the afternoon went on more and more people rose from their seats and stood up along the walls. That was kind of telling of the employees of Ergoff.
Now there will be some recovery(there was a few late nights) and regrouping before packing the bags again for a longer trip Monday morning.
Have a nice weekend.
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."
- Winston Churchill
May the Fors be with You!
I'm back from the kick-off/conference at Lugnalandet, Tranås, with my new colleges at Ergoff Miljö AB. That was intense. Three days of new faces and a lot of information. It was really a mix of exhaustion and bliss. This new job is going to be so much fun but also hard, hard, hard! I'm in for a
rough fall season.
We visited our new storage at Sweop AB.There was some training(HIIT style) and these people do not like to sit down. We started with a half day of inspirational speaker Niklas Delmar and as the afternoon went on more and more people rose from their seats and stood up along the walls. That was kind of telling of the employees of Ergoff.
Now there will be some recovery(there was a few late nights) and regrouping before packing the bags again for a longer trip Monday morning.
Have a nice weekend.
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."
- Winston Churchill
May the Fors be with You!
Let's take a break
Last post for a while.
Having a kick-off with the new colleagues. Lasts for a couple of day's. Just wanted to leave you with a little something something.
5 min jumprope warmup
5 rounds of 5 reps(no time, no rest):
Paralette Push Ups
Bulgarian Split Squats - 24 kg kettlebell alternating leg
EZ-Bar Row - 40 kg
Scull Crusher with EZ-Bar - 40 kg
OH Farmers Carry - 2 x 14 kg DB's, 50 steps
Face Pull - Rubber-band(hard)
Although I did some exercising yesterday I felt the need to do something today, also. One never knows when the next opportunity arrises. By far the hardest of the exercises was the Farmers Carry. Then the Scull Crushers. This is not ment as a very taxing workout. It's only purpose is to get me back on track again. I do feel the aftermaths of yesterdays spanking but it's a good feeling. Maybe I'll be able to go a bit harder next week.
So, until next time...
"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."
- Socrates
May the Fors be with you!
Having a kick-off with the new colleagues. Lasts for a couple of day's. Just wanted to leave you with a little something something.
5 min jumprope warmup
5 rounds of 5 reps(no time, no rest):
Paralette Push Ups
Bulgarian Split Squats - 24 kg kettlebell alternating leg
EZ-Bar Row - 40 kg
Scull Crusher with EZ-Bar - 40 kg
OH Farmers Carry - 2 x 14 kg DB's, 50 steps
Face Pull - Rubber-band(hard)
Although I did some exercising yesterday I felt the need to do something today, also. One never knows when the next opportunity arrises. By far the hardest of the exercises was the Farmers Carry. Then the Scull Crushers. This is not ment as a very taxing workout. It's only purpose is to get me back on track again. I do feel the aftermaths of yesterdays spanking but it's a good feeling. Maybe I'll be able to go a bit harder next week.
So, until next time...
"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."
- Socrates
May the Fors be with you!
Ergoff Miljö AB, MEDS and light WOD
Good afternoon!
Today I am officially an employe at Ergoff Miljö AB. That's amazing! Can't hardly wait to see what is up ahead in this new reality.
I did some more digging into the allergic situation and I came up with a laundry list of things that contain histamines, of which I almost ingest all, on a regular basis. (nuts, cheese, cured meat, sausages, wine, beer, alcohol, strawberries, seeds, chocolate!! tomatoes, canned mackerel, vinegar, ketchup and the list goes on)
So now I'm going to cut back on a lot of these foods and maybe reintroduce them later on and see what's what. Today, for example, is the Monday fast. And I feel better than I've done in a long time.(I've been a bit lazy with the fasting) But some of these products are going to be tuff to let go of. Chocolate! Nuts!! Sausages!! Cheese!!!! Well, at least I've got my steaks. And I have somewhat of a character to fall back on.
This resulted in me doing some shopping at MEDS(add).
Orimox Nasal Spray(add)
Ekulf PH Professional(add)
Oral-B Precision Clean(add)
Solar Chelated Magnesium(add)
Sanctband Loop Band Orange/Light(add)
What has all these things to do with allergies, You might ask yourself? Except for the Orimox, not much at all. But they are products that are essential for basic health and prosperity. And quite frankly no other place in the universe can match MEDS when it comes down to prizing, range of products, shipping alternatives and ,to top it of, it's ridiculously easy to find a pay option to your liking.
And how better to wrap this up than by giving you some insight into the mysteries of Basic Training Over 40:
5 rounds of 5 reps with a little rest here and there but with no timekeeping:
Front Squats - 50 kg
Hip Thrusters - 50 kg
Dumbbell Press - 2 x 14 kg
Dumbbell Cross Over Biceps Curl - 2 x 14 kg
Farmers Kettlebell Carry - 24 kg + 16 kg, switching after 25 steps
Face Pulls - Rubberband(HARD)
Triceps Push Down - Rubberband(HARD)
Nice! Felt real good. Not very comfy with the E-Z bar on my crotch doing hip thrusters. Wasn't ideal for front squats either but what do you do. Over all some signs of improvement in performance and general state of things. I'm hopeful this new food regiment will have a profound effect on my health and well being.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
May The Fors Be With You!
Today I am officially an employe at Ergoff Miljö AB. That's amazing! Can't hardly wait to see what is up ahead in this new reality.
I did some more digging into the allergic situation and I came up with a laundry list of things that contain histamines, of which I almost ingest all, on a regular basis. (nuts, cheese, cured meat, sausages, wine, beer, alcohol, strawberries, seeds, chocolate!! tomatoes, canned mackerel, vinegar, ketchup and the list goes on)
So now I'm going to cut back on a lot of these foods and maybe reintroduce them later on and see what's what. Today, for example, is the Monday fast. And I feel better than I've done in a long time.(I've been a bit lazy with the fasting) But some of these products are going to be tuff to let go of. Chocolate! Nuts!! Sausages!! Cheese!!!! Well, at least I've got my steaks. And I have somewhat of a character to fall back on.
This resulted in me doing some shopping at MEDS(add).
Orimox Nasal Spray(add)
Ekulf PH Professional(add)
Oral-B Precision Clean(add)
Solar Chelated Magnesium(add)
Sanctband Loop Band Orange/Light(add)
What has all these things to do with allergies, You might ask yourself? Except for the Orimox, not much at all. But they are products that are essential for basic health and prosperity. And quite frankly no other place in the universe can match MEDS when it comes down to prizing, range of products, shipping alternatives and ,to top it of, it's ridiculously easy to find a pay option to your liking.
And how better to wrap this up than by giving you some insight into the mysteries of Basic Training Over 40:
5 rounds of 5 reps with a little rest here and there but with no timekeeping:
Front Squats - 50 kg
Hip Thrusters - 50 kg
Dumbbell Press - 2 x 14 kg
Dumbbell Cross Over Biceps Curl - 2 x 14 kg
Farmers Kettlebell Carry - 24 kg + 16 kg, switching after 25 steps
Face Pulls - Rubberband(HARD)
Triceps Push Down - Rubberband(HARD)
Nice! Felt real good. Not very comfy with the E-Z bar on my crotch doing hip thrusters. Wasn't ideal for front squats either but what do you do. Over all some signs of improvement in performance and general state of things. I'm hopeful this new food regiment will have a profound effect on my health and well being.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
May The Fors Be With You!
What the hell is mugwort?
As I've said in past posts I'm not quite myself and hasn't been for some time. The word on the street is that it's some kind of record breaking year for pollen and allergies and since a couple of years I've felt the effects in the springtime but this year I've really struggled. So has a lot of other people, in all probability.
That might be what has caused these "flu-like" symptoms. I got back on the antihistamines and the cortison nasal spray today, anyway and checked out the pollen repports and it looks like we have high levels of mugwort. Sounds like something I would have a bad reaction to. I'll keep taking the drugs and hope for the best.
Yesterday I did some easy peasy train to get the blood flowing and stemming the aches and pains that come with abusing your body earlier in life. And I did put a Flank on the grill.
5 round of 5 reps without rest and no timekeeping:
Deadlift - 50 kg
Parallette Push Ups
KB Swings - 24 kg
Side Laterals - Rubberband(hard)
Face Pulls - Rubberband(light)
There ya go! Felt real nice and meat tasted real good.
"Life is available only in the present moment.
If you abandon the present moment
You can not live the moments of Your daily life deeply."
- Thich Nhat Hanh
May the Fors Be with You!
As I've said in past posts I'm not quite myself and hasn't been for some time. The word on the street is that it's some kind of record breaking year for pollen and allergies and since a couple of years I've felt the effects in the springtime but this year I've really struggled. So has a lot of other people, in all probability.
That might be what has caused these "flu-like" symptoms. I got back on the antihistamines and the cortison nasal spray today, anyway and checked out the pollen repports and it looks like we have high levels of mugwort. Sounds like something I would have a bad reaction to. I'll keep taking the drugs and hope for the best.
Yesterday I did some easy peasy train to get the blood flowing and stemming the aches and pains that come with abusing your body earlier in life. And I did put a Flank on the grill.
5 round of 5 reps without rest and no timekeeping:
Deadlift - 50 kg
Parallette Push Ups
KB Swings - 24 kg
Side Laterals - Rubberband(hard)
Face Pulls - Rubberband(light)
There ya go! Felt real nice and meat tasted real good.
"Life is available only in the present moment.
If you abandon the present moment
You can not live the moments of Your daily life deeply."
- Thich Nhat Hanh
May the Fors Be with You!
Finger Training, collagen and GOWOD
Hi there everyone!(who am I kidding. no-one reads this)
We have sort of a rest day here. Did a bit of morning fasting. Eating the first meal att noon. Still feeling a bit sick but no worse that yesterday. A couple of day's ago I came across this fella by the name of Eric Hörst. Climbing instructor and avid climber for decades. Possibly rather notorious in the climbing community, of which I am not a member. He had done a video on Finger training in conjunction with supplementation of collagen. He came across as very knowledgeable so I decided to follow the protocol. It consisted of ingesting collagen an an hour later do som finger training drills. Light ones. This is suppost to protect the joints and ligaments when exposed to heavy loads. I thought I'll give it a try. Bought myself some Collagen(add) at Bodystore.com(add), started with the routine and I'll give you an update in a couple of weeks.
Well, after doing some chores and what not I downloaded the GOWOD app. Time to check out the mobility on this old geezer. Although I have
some areas to work on it seems like it's all mostly in order. Pfhuu...
While I was at it I did some "Jane Fonda" and later I'll tackle my problem areas when it comes to mobility.
Now the Live stream from Crossfit Games on YouTube is about to start.
"To attain Knowledge add things every day.
To attain wisdom subtract things every day."
May The Fors be With you!
We have sort of a rest day here. Did a bit of morning fasting. Eating the first meal att noon. Still feeling a bit sick but no worse that yesterday. A couple of day's ago I came across this fella by the name of Eric Hörst. Climbing instructor and avid climber for decades. Possibly rather notorious in the climbing community, of which I am not a member. He had done a video on Finger training in conjunction with supplementation of collagen. He came across as very knowledgeable so I decided to follow the protocol. It consisted of ingesting collagen an an hour later do som finger training drills. Light ones. This is suppost to protect the joints and ligaments when exposed to heavy loads. I thought I'll give it a try. Bought myself some Collagen(add) at Bodystore.com(add), started with the routine and I'll give you an update in a couple of weeks.
Well, after doing some chores and what not I downloaded the GOWOD app. Time to check out the mobility on this old geezer. Although I have
some areas to work on it seems like it's all mostly in order. Pfhuu...
While I was at it I did some "Jane Fonda" and later I'll tackle my problem areas when it comes to mobility.
Now the Live stream from Crossfit Games on YouTube is about to start.
"To attain Knowledge add things every day.
To attain wisdom subtract things every day."
May The Fors be With you!
Crossfit Games and The Blueberries
Good evening all you Crossfit People, and alike.
Just done watching the opening ceremony of the 2019 Crossfit Games. This is gonna be fun! Right? I almost miss the Crossfit days every year the Games role in. Maybe I'll give it a go again, some day. Just adjust my output level to match my life.
Today we went out into the woods hunting for blueberries and the like. I brought my climbing shoes and chalk bag, in the case of a bouldering opportunity. It presented itself. But only 5-6 climbs. It was all good. More to come, to be sure.
Not much in the way of blueberries or the like(some kind of mushroom) but a day in the forest is never a loss, in my book.
I was supposed to go to the gym to continue with the new programming but as it turns out the last workout put me in a big hole with the cold making a strong comeback. So instead I just went through the motions with a rubber band and some light dumbbells(2x12kg). That really felt perfect. Here is what happened in the front yard:
5 rounds of 5 reps:
Push Ups on the Dumbbells
Front Squats w/ dumbbells
Upright row with dumbbells
Scull Crusher with rubber band
Over Head Farmers Carry with dumbbells - 50 steps
Face Pulls with rubber band
By far the trickiest exercise was the Farmers Walks. Shoulders was not used to this, at all! But I think, well I hope, that this will have a positive impact on my recovery or at least not be too much of a hindrens. Now...Bring the Tacos!! 🌮🌮
"Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to
saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough".
- Josh Billings
May the Fors Be with you!
Just done watching the opening ceremony of the 2019 Crossfit Games. This is gonna be fun! Right? I almost miss the Crossfit days every year the Games role in. Maybe I'll give it a go again, some day. Just adjust my output level to match my life.
Today we went out into the woods hunting for blueberries and the like. I brought my climbing shoes and chalk bag, in the case of a bouldering opportunity. It presented itself. But only 5-6 climbs. It was all good. More to come, to be sure.
Not much in the way of blueberries or the like(some kind of mushroom) but a day in the forest is never a loss, in my book.
I was supposed to go to the gym to continue with the new programming but as it turns out the last workout put me in a big hole with the cold making a strong comeback. So instead I just went through the motions with a rubber band and some light dumbbells(2x12kg). That really felt perfect. Here is what happened in the front yard:
5 rounds of 5 reps:
Push Ups on the Dumbbells
Front Squats w/ dumbbells
Upright row with dumbbells
Scull Crusher with rubber band
Over Head Farmers Carry with dumbbells - 50 steps
Face Pulls with rubber band
By far the trickiest exercise was the Farmers Walks. Shoulders was not used to this, at all! But I think, well I hope, that this will have a positive impact on my recovery or at least not be too much of a hindrens. Now...Bring the Tacos!! 🌮🌮
"Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to
saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough".
- Josh Billings
May the Fors Be with you!
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Renassaince Periodization
Well folks! I've turned a new leaf. I am now an omnivore and a body builder. Today I started the first week of a Mesocycle(a period of ...
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