Hi there everyone!(who am I kidding. no-one reads this)

We have sort of a rest day here. Did a bit of morning fasting. Eating the first meal att noon. Still feeling a bit sick but no worse that yesterday. A couple of day's ago I came across this fella by the name of
Eric Hörst. Climbing instructor and avid climber for decades. Possibly rather notorious in the climbing community, of which I am not a member. He had done a video on Finger training in conjunction with supplementation of collagen. He came across as very knowledgeable so I decided to follow the protocol. It consisted of ingesting collagen an an hour later do som finger training drills. Light ones. This is suppost to protect the joints and ligaments when exposed to heavy loads. I thought I'll give it a try. Bought myself some
Collagen(add) at
Bodystore.com(add), started with the routine and I'll give you an update in a couple of weeks.
Well, after doing some chores and what not I downloaded the GOWOD app. Time to check out the mobility on this old geezer. Although I have
some areas to work on it seems like it's all mostly in order. Pfhuu...
While I was at it I did some "Jane Fonda" and later I'll tackle my problem areas when it comes to mobility.
Now the Live stream from Crossfit Games on YouTube is about to start.
"To attain Knowledge add things every day.
To attain wisdom subtract things every day."
May The Fors be With you!
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