Just done watching the opening ceremony of the 2019 Crossfit Games. This is gonna be fun! Right? I almost miss the Crossfit days every year the Games role in. Maybe I'll give it a go again, some day. Just adjust my output level to match my life.

Not much in the way of blueberries or the like(some kind of mushroom) but a day in the forest is never a loss, in my book.
I was supposed to go to the gym to continue with the new programming but as it turns out the last workout put me in a big hole with the cold making a strong comeback. So instead I just went through the motions with a rubber band and some light dumbbells(2x12kg). That really felt perfect. Here is what happened in the front yard:
5 rounds of 5 reps:
Push Ups on the Dumbbells
Front Squats w/ dumbbells
Upright row with dumbbells
Scull Crusher with rubber band
Over Head Farmers Carry with dumbbells - 50 steps
Face Pulls with rubber band
By far the trickiest exercise was the Farmers Walks. Shoulders was not used to this, at all! But I think, well I hope, that this will have a positive impact on my recovery or at least not be too much of a hindrens. Now...Bring the Tacos!! đźđź
"Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to
saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough".
- Josh Billings
May the Fors Be with you!
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