Today I am officially an employe at Ergoff Miljö AB. That's amazing! Can't hardly wait to see what is up ahead in this new reality.
I did some more digging into the allergic situation and I came up with a laundry list of things that contain histamines, of which I almost ingest all, on a regular basis. (nuts, cheese, cured meat, sausages, wine, beer, alcohol, strawberries, seeds, chocolate!! tomatoes, canned mackerel, vinegar, ketchup and the list goes on)
So now I'm going to cut back on a lot of these foods and maybe reintroduce them later on and see what's what. Today, for example, is the Monday fast. And I feel better than I've done in a long time.(I've been a bit lazy with the fasting) But some of these products are going to be tuff to let go of. Chocolate! Nuts!! Sausages!! Cheese!!!! Well, at least I've got my steaks. And I have somewhat of a character to fall back on.
This resulted in me doing some shopping at MEDS(add).
Orimox Nasal Spray(add)
Ekulf PH Professional(add)
Oral-B Precision Clean(add)
Solar Chelated Magnesium(add)
Sanctband Loop Band Orange/Light(add)

And how better to wrap this up than by giving you some insight into the mysteries of Basic Training Over 40:
5 rounds of 5 reps with a little rest here and there but with no timekeeping:
Front Squats - 50 kg
Hip Thrusters - 50 kg
Dumbbell Press - 2 x 14 kg
Dumbbell Cross Over Biceps Curl - 2 x 14 kg

Face Pulls - Rubberband(HARD)
Triceps Push Down - Rubberband(HARD)
Nice! Felt real good. Not very comfy with the E-Z bar on my crotch doing hip thrusters. Wasn't ideal for front squats either but what do you do. Over all some signs of improvement in performance and general state of things. I'm hopeful this new food regiment will have a profound effect on my health and well being.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
May The Fors Be With You!
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